Exactly one year ago on this day we had started a group to create awareness among customers of Era Landmarks " REDWOOD RESIDENCY" project in Neharpar, faridabad, sector78, Haryana.
Since the we have not only grown in strength in terms of the number of people in our group, but have in total met about four hundred people of other projects of the same builder in NCR. Its so sad that all projects of ERa Landmarks are languishing in dust, due to malicious and callous attitude and work ethics of the developer. total families that are suffering today due to shoddy and corrupt practises of Era Landmarks would easily be more then 2000.
Such a large number of people cannot get justice and are running from pillar to post for a simple reason that they are not together and that ,they fear all the money that they have paid the builder will go down the drain, as he being powerful and the one who controls the market with his dominance will further delay(deliberately) the possession of their plot/flat/floor/shops. Also, they fear that if they form a group and try to seek answers from the builder the builder would then might cancel their allotment and refund their money with postdated cheques of 9months or later, by deducting 20% of the total cost. Mainly this fear of further loosing their hard earned money and our countries slow judicial system, helps such unscrupulous builders to so blatantly plunder all rules and regulation.
It is amazing how, Era landmarks has sold four projects almost three years back and has till date not even got the building plans approved. Isn't it illegal to collect 45% or money from customers and start construction without even getting the necessary approvals. The modus operadi is to collect money by illegally starting construction (excavation and raft work) and then after 40 to 50% money is pocketed by Era it stops work and then uses this money that it has illegally generated to make profit by manipulating the market and organizing speculative activity through its broking partners. Hence it multiplies its profits and grows bigger and bigger where as the common man, who is the customer, is caught unknowingly in this vicious circle.
The group was concentrating on first reaching out to people and create awareness about the way Era Landmarks is duping all its customers, which we have been able to successfully achieve. Our next and most important step will be to pressurize Era into fulfilling all its original promises, like the land in the middle should be given to the residents of this project as the CENTRAL GREEN PARK( Era has in the last four years not even bought this piece of land that it showed in its marketing brochure as the Central park)second it has to come clean on from what date it will start giving us the penalty for not completing the project on assured time, third we will not accept its arbitrary Rs 5 persquarefeet penalty, instead we should be given the same 18% penalty that Era charges us when we default in making our installment payment, there should be equality in this matter which is very justified. Third, we want them to assure us that the club as shown in the brochure will be handed over to the residents welfare society, Era has already started construction of a new tower on the land assigned for the club and now there isn't enough land left in the complex to accommodate the original size club.
These are the issues which the group has to get Era to agree on and that will be a humongous task, considering Era's reputation and past record. Our real victory will be to get all that we were promised. With the full co-operation of all members and their total and complete support, we can definitely get the desired results. Thanking everyone who has helped us through our struggle and hope they continue to do so in the future as well.
Thanking all once again!!!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010
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